I think this is the longest I've gone without blogging. Sorry y'all. Life has been really busy for us Bailes lately. Let's see if I can catch everyone up with whats been going on around our household.
*I started back to school 2 weeks ago. At the last minute I totally changed my schedule. I didn't have any more classes left to take before I start my nursing clinicals in the fall, so I just signed up for some classes I really didn't need. Well, right before classes started back I happened to be at school one day and was talking to my advisor when the EMT director walked in and overheard our conversation. The guy is actually a friend from high school so I know him. I already had decided that one day I might want to do the flight nurse job, that is where you ride on med-flight. My friend talked me into taking the EMT basic class this semester, and my advisor agreed too! It just so happens that to be a flight nurse you have to take this course anyways! So here I am....we start clinical rotations Feb. 12th and I have no idea what I'm getting myself in to. But I love love love my classes so far. I get to learn how to drive an ambulance the first week of February. I'll keep ya'll posted on what all I get to do and I'm sure I'll have some crazy stories. One of my teachers is the county coroner, so that kind of tells you the kind of stuff I'll be seeing. This is totally out of my comfort zone, because I would have never signed up for this class b/c of the stuff I might see, but I think God has something wonderful in store for me this semester:)
*Caden has been sick quite alot since Christmas. He got the stomach bug and now he's got croup. We were at the dr. earlier today. I feel like we can't stay away from the dr!
*Caden is growing like a weed. He's talking in full sentences now and we understand him completely. He's so much fun to be around. We actually carried on a complete conversation the other day in the car. He named everyone in his class and told me his friend had to sit in time-out! He cracks Brandon and I up.
*He got invited to his first real birthday party of someone in his class whom we don't know! Caden said he's his friend and they play together at music! The invitation came home in his backpack and i'm sure it won't be the last!
*Brandon is still loving his job at Teledyne! He went hunting two weekends ago and killed a huge boar! He is quite proud and we have lots of pork to cook!
*I'm still helping take care of my grandmother, who has Alzheimer's disease. She is getting worse and probably needs to go to some kind of nursing home or assisted living. Please pray for wisdom for my mom and I as we decide what the next step in her care is going to be. She keeps falling and we are so scared she is going to fall and get really hurt.
*Brandon and I went to Auburn this past weekend and visited with my sister! It was so much fun seeing her and getting away for the night. I had the pleasure of showing Brandon all around my alma mater! WAR EAGLE!
That pretty much sums up what we've been doing. I'm gonna try and be better about blogging! I'll try and get some pics up later tonight after I get home from school! I know pictures are what most ppl want!!!