Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin time.

Brandon carved our pumpkin the other night and I watched:) Then, it way MY job to clean it out...i like getting the guts out, so I didn't mind! Caden kept saying ewww when I tried to get him to help me! He didn't want any part of the guts! And Riley kept trying to eat the pumpkin...
B did a fantastic job, he's now the master carver!

Too cute not to post!

Caden went hunting with daddy the other night, well they went walking in the woods together:)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I love Tuesdays!!

Yes.....I love Tuesdays as much as I love Fridays! On Tuesdays, I go to a mom2mom bible study at our church! What a great bunch of moms I get to hang out with. We all have young kids so its nice to be around other moms who understand life with toddlers or babies! I have made some great friends and I enjoy studying the word with them. Recently, we read and discussed the book "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldanh. Wow, this book definetely kicked my butt! Totally made me look at my marriage and how men perceive things in a new light. I highly recommend this book. One verse that has stuck with me throughout this study is Proverbs 12:4. It says, "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones."
So ladies....lets be crowns to our husbands and if you're single be a crown to someone in your life!

*New posts below*

Tate Farms

Saturday we headed to Tate Farms with my parents and Auntie Erin for our annual pumpkin patch fun! This has got to be the coolest farms I've ever been too! They have tons of stuff for kids and yummy food for grown-ups. It's almost overwhelming b/c there is so much to see and do! People flock by the thousands every year to this farm. My favorite part is taking the hay ride out to pick our pumpkin. The pumpkins are grown on the farm, so you even get to cut your pumpkin from the stem. Coolest pumpkin patch ever...hands down!!! Here are a few pics from the day...........
Caden and Popsie
Playing in the corn crib
About to ride the corn train
2nd time riding it
Auntie Erin came with us too!
Mimi and Popsie on the hayride
Trying to find the perfect pumpkin

Family pic

Wednesday with Nanny & G-daddy

Last Wednesday I decided not to send Caden to school. He was still sleeping when we usually leave and I just hated to wake him up. I figured we could just rest for a day since we've been extremely busy lately. Well, we ended up going over to Nanny's and G-daddy's for the morning. We went to the BK Lounge, aka Burger King, for a yummy lunch, wal-mart, and then the park! Caden loves spending time with Nanny and Granddaddy! These are Brandon's grandparents, so Caden's great-grandparents. It was a nice day and we had lots of fun.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's play TAG!

I've been tagged! Never been tagged before, but here goes my first time at it! Thanks Stacy for tagging me:)

I'm supposed to tell you 7 Random facts about myself so here ya go!
1. I love the smell of laundry detergent and fabric softner. I could seriously sit and smell it for hours. I always smell laundry right after I get it out of the dryer. When I go grocery shopping, I ALWAYS go and smell the detergents! My favorite scent is Tide with Downy april fresh. Any time I have to buy some kind of scent candle or fragrance, I try to buy the one that smells closest to clean fresh laundry!
2. I have to stay organized because I'm OCD about cleanliness and organization. I usually have to make a menu for the week ahead and thats how I plan my grocery list. I also keep all my toilet paper and paper towels in baskets about the washer/dryer. I have baskets all in my cabinets labeled for baking, snack stuff, canned goods, etc. And I have to keep my flour and sugar in rubbermaid containers! If somethings out of place, I totally freak out, ok maybe not, but it bugs me! So ya, I love organization!
3. I hate being wet from rain. I don't think I was one of those little girls who loved to play in puddles in the rain. It always smells bad and I just feel icky. Take today for example, I had to go grocery shopping for my grandmother and it was pouring down rain. My shoes, arms, hair, and sweater were soaking wet and it ruined my morning. I feel like I need to shower after getting wet from rain. I know...I'm a weirdo!
4. I love decorating! HGTV is my favorite channel. I always have ideas popping in my head and if I had an endless budget I would probably be re-doing my house all the time!
5. I'm a control freak. I hate it, but I am. I have to set certain schedules and follow them or I feel like my life is out of control. Like when I clean, I have a certain routine I follow! Also, if I'm running errands I plan it out by the half hour, that keeps me from wasting time or back tracking. I don't expect my family to be on schedules, its just for me! So in case your thinking I'm a total nut case, I'm not like a crazed drill sargent!
6. I used to hate reading, but now I love it! I love getting lost in a good book. My favorite author is Sophie Kinsella!
7. I don't like needles, but I'm in nursing school. Go figure! No, giving someone a shot or drawing blood on someone else doesn't really bother me, it bothers me when I have to give blood. One day I'd love to be a labor/delivery nurse!

Hope ya'll got to know me better! Now I tag: Lindsey, Toni-Marie, Heather, and Kim D.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our newest addition!!

We got a new baby...a puppy that is!! He is a 12 week old Weimaraner! Brandon got him Sunday and we named him Riley. He had his first puppy check-up yesterday and he weighed in at a whopping 33 lbs! He's been a good dog so far...he hasn't gone potty in the house yet! He follows me around everywhere, its so cute! He adores Caden and gets so hyper around him. We're trying to break him of jumping...he's scratched Caden's face up! I know he'll be great company for us. We did have an incident today.....I left him outside while I went to bible study b/c I didn't want him in the house alone and we hadn't put his crate together yet, well when I got home, the back door was scratched up pretty bad, the weather stripping ruined and the door frame down the bare wood. We eventually want him to be outside alot, but don't want him to keep messing up our doors! Does anyone have any advice? He'll be big soon and I hate to keep him crated up while we're gone...I think he'd be happier outside where he can run and play. Should I put him on a lead so he can't reach the door? This is our first doggy so please leave me some advice! Other than that, he's great! He's actually cuddling with me as I type this:)

Girls just wanna have fun!

My mom and I headed to Atlanta this past weekend for a bridal shower! We had a blast just the two of us and had even more fun seeing old friends! I love old friends! Whenever we get together, it seems like we can pick up just where we left off! Katie's shower was on Sunday, but mom and I left Saturday so we could go shopping. We ended up at Atlantic Station...I love that place! We went to Ikea for the majority of the day, then H&M and some other cool shops! Brandon and Caden had a boys weekend and i'm so thankful that Brandon stayed home so I could enjoy my girls weekend! Amy and Lindsey did a great job decorating and planning a great shower for Katie. Melody, Sara, and I Katie opening her gifts Me and Cass
Me and Toni-Marie
All the girls
The moms
Me and Amy
Lindsey, Katie, Melody, & Sara
Finally, the bride-to-be and I

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My friend called me yesterday at 4 pm and asked if we wanted her tickets to go see VeggieTales that night at 6! When you have small kids, thats a good phone call to get on a night when you don't really have much planned! Unfortunately, my friend's kids got sick so they couldn't go. Thank you Jen for the tickets!! We had a blast. Caden was so funny to watch during the show, he would stare for like 20 minutes, then try to act out what they were doing. If they ever come back to Huntsville, we're def. going to see them again!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Its the little things....

....that melt my heart. Yesterday, I had school till 8:15. Brandon gets home from work and I usually leave and head to school. We don't spend much time together before I leave so I'm usually so excited to come home and spend some quality time with him. And I hate missing out on what him and Caden do while I'm gone! Anyways, I pulled into the garage and Caden came running out to greet me with a card in his hand. Brandon and Caden went to wal-mart while I was at school and got me the sweetest card just to let me know they were thinking about me. How sweet! And its the little things like that, that melt my heart. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful loving hubby!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Yesterday after church, we headed to the river to celebrate Chris and Christina's engagement! The two of them are very special people to us and we are so excited that they are getting married! Brandon and Chris have been best buds since they were little and I have had the priviledge of getting to know Christina over the past couple of years! They are such a sweet and fun couple!
Here are some more pics from the party:Leah and I
Pretty scenery, but I look awful...just look past me! haha.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The early bird catches the worm...

....thats what Caden's been doing the past few days! Yep, at 5 am he's been waking up. I don't know if its the new bed or what, but I'm so used to him not waking up till 7:30 or 8 ish. I guess I've been lucky and I've gotten used to sleeping and I'm the type of person who needs their sleep! I had been a zombie lately. I'm trying to figure out how I can get him to stay in his room and play or get him to sleep in. I'm starting to feel like I did when he was a newborn, just exhausted all day. Oh and he's fighting me to take his naps....I love spending time with my sweet boy, but we both need some rest, especially him. This new sleep schedule he's on is just not gonna work for me! Any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New camera

I got a new camera Friday and I'm loving it so far. Hope this one doesn't poop out on me like the last one. Here are some recent pics I've taken.........

Caden riding the pony at the church picnic

I'm sure I'll be taking lots more pics, so stay tuned!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Good times.

The weekend recap:
  • Friday, Brandon and I had date night! Caden stayed with my mom and dad so we could go out and have fun. My mom's bible study group had planned a date night to go see the new "Fireproof" movie. ( We picked up our friends and headed to Carrabba's for a great dinner. Then we saw the movie, which I loved. If you haven't seen it yet, take your spouse or someone and go see it. Definetely worth the $$. We had a great time fellowshipping with friends. I love my moms in our bible study! And it was nice getting to have adult conversations.
  • Saturday, I had a girls day with my mom and sister! Mom and I started out by getting pedicures and our nails done. Then we met up with my sister for a yummy lunch at Rosies. Then the three of us went to Bridgestreet for a long day of shopping! I had so much fun hanging out with them! We rarely do this, so anytime we do, its a treat for me! I love spending time with my mom and sister. Brandon and Caden had a father-son day, I think they washed cars! Oh, and Brandon moved furniture. Great hubby and now I'm a happy wife!
  • Sunday, went to church, then we went to the annual church picnic! They have it at a farm so there are tons of animals and stuff for the kids to do! Caden rode the pony and he loved it. He actually rode the pony 3 times. The weather was great, food was yummy, and there were tons of great people there! We had a great time!

Where has the time gone?

Well, Saturday was the big day! We did the switch with Caden's beds. He now has his big boy bed! I wasn't home when Brandon put them together, but he said Caden was super excited and kept trying to climb up to the top bunk! He loves climbing up and throwing toys off! I wasn't sure how he was going to do that night at bedtime, but he surprisingly did awesome. He was so excited to be sleeping in "airplane bed" as he calls it. He did want to sleep in the top bunk, but we explained to him that he was still to little and he needed to sleep in his airplane bed below! He laid right down and didn't try to get up. He did wake up about midnight and cried a little, I think maybe he didn't know where he was or had a bad dream! Now, he is sleeping great. I was so anxious and nervous about getting him to sleep in a twin bed, but he's done so good that it feels like he's been doing it for a long time! I still can't believe he's old enough to have bunk beds...serioulsy, where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday he was still a baby! I wanted to share some pics of Caden's new beds and his almost finished room. I still need to hang curtains and hang some other stuff, but for now here's what his room looks like!

I had this picture painted for Caden! I love it and it looks great in his room.

Caden on the top bunk.