Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 weeks+6 days!

I can't believe I only have 9 weeks or less until we meet Bennett!  I've been feeling great, except for the few contractions that i've been having!  We've been so busy with t-ball, school, and work that it has made the time fly by!  We've almost got the nursery finished.  Brandon's family is throwing us a family shower this sunday...we are so blessed!  I think Caden is getting excited now that my belly is huge and there is baby stuff all around the house!  At times, I am so ready to meet Bennett, but then at other times, I'm so nervous about having 2 kids!  I'm just trying to soak these last few weeks up with the 3 of us!  I have maternity pics friday and my 4D ultrasound tuesday!  Just a quick update since I don't have much time to blog!  I have a ton of pics of tball and springy stuff, so here in the next few days I'll do another post=)
                                                           my ever-expanding tummy

*I can no longer bend over, nor can I see my feet anymore!*
*He moves so much!  I am definetely going to miss feeling him inside of me! I think I'm content with him staying inside because he's safe and with me always*
*I'm super paranoid with this pregnacy...working up in mother/baby and in the peds er has opened my eyes to all sorts of crazy complications!  Just trying to keep the mindset...God's in control!*
*Is trying to get adjusted to the lack of sleep I get...have to get up every hour to pee!  Guess God's getting me ready for the sleepless nights with Bennett*