Saturday, April 23, 2011

Go Rebels!!

Caden really wanted to play ball this year, but I was a little reluctant to let him play at first!  He's only 4 and I wasn't sure if he'd like it.  But he begged, so I signed him up.  I am so glad I did!  He loves it and is doing great!  He plays on a 6 and under team and he is the youngest.  They do not use a tee, it is coach pitch and they play just like the big boys do (3 strikes...keep score, etc)!  I was worried he wasn't going to catch on or be able to hit the ball, and boy I was wrong!  He is the hitting the ball like a champ!  He got a single and a double today!  Our little team is 4-0 now!  I love watching him play!  We are so proud of how well he is doing!  I think he found his passion!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

This is my favorite time of the year!  I'm so glad that it has finally warmed up, this past winter was very long!  My heart is so happy and full right now=)  Life is great!  We get to meet Bennett in 5 weeks or less, i'm thinking less since i've already had some preterm labor issues! Caden is playing T-ball, i'm no longer working which means I get to spend the weekends with my boys, and i'm so close to being done with nursing school!!!!!  
 I'm 35 weeks +1 day preggers today!  About 4 weeks ago I was out and about shopping and I realized I hadn't felt Bennett move all day.  I got really scared so I called my doc.  I went in immediately and they did a nonstress test.  Baby looked great, but I was having some big contractions!  My doc asked me if I could feel them and duh I just thought they were braxton-hicks!  Not the case!  I wasn' t dilated or effaced, so I just sent to L&D for some brethine to stop the contractions!  That was the worse medicine ever.  It makes your heart race and you feel so nervous and anxious!  Thankfully, my contractions stopped and I got to go home!  No more working for me though!  I am secretly excited I don't have to work was getting unbearable being on my feet for 12 hour shifts!  Having said all that, Bennett could really come sooner than we expect!  I'm just praying for a healthy baby!  We are ready to meet him!  His room is ready, with the exception of hanging some pictures, and i've washed all the clothes, bottles, bibs, burp clothes, etc!  Caden is ready too....he is constantly talking to my belly and kissing it!  I can't wait to see him interact with his baby brother.