Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's play TAG!

I've been tagged! Never been tagged before, but here goes my first time at it! Thanks Stacy for tagging me:)

I'm supposed to tell you 7 Random facts about myself so here ya go!
1. I love the smell of laundry detergent and fabric softner. I could seriously sit and smell it for hours. I always smell laundry right after I get it out of the dryer. When I go grocery shopping, I ALWAYS go and smell the detergents! My favorite scent is Tide with Downy april fresh. Any time I have to buy some kind of scent candle or fragrance, I try to buy the one that smells closest to clean fresh laundry!
2. I have to stay organized because I'm OCD about cleanliness and organization. I usually have to make a menu for the week ahead and thats how I plan my grocery list. I also keep all my toilet paper and paper towels in baskets about the washer/dryer. I have baskets all in my cabinets labeled for baking, snack stuff, canned goods, etc. And I have to keep my flour and sugar in rubbermaid containers! If somethings out of place, I totally freak out, ok maybe not, but it bugs me! So ya, I love organization!
3. I hate being wet from rain. I don't think I was one of those little girls who loved to play in puddles in the rain. It always smells bad and I just feel icky. Take today for example, I had to go grocery shopping for my grandmother and it was pouring down rain. My shoes, arms, hair, and sweater were soaking wet and it ruined my morning. I feel like I need to shower after getting wet from rain. I know...I'm a weirdo!
4. I love decorating! HGTV is my favorite channel. I always have ideas popping in my head and if I had an endless budget I would probably be re-doing my house all the time!
5. I'm a control freak. I hate it, but I am. I have to set certain schedules and follow them or I feel like my life is out of control. Like when I clean, I have a certain routine I follow! Also, if I'm running errands I plan it out by the half hour, that keeps me from wasting time or back tracking. I don't expect my family to be on schedules, its just for me! So in case your thinking I'm a total nut case, I'm not like a crazed drill sargent!
6. I used to hate reading, but now I love it! I love getting lost in a good book. My favorite author is Sophie Kinsella!
7. I don't like needles, but I'm in nursing school. Go figure! No, giving someone a shot or drawing blood on someone else doesn't really bother me, it bothers me when I have to give blood. One day I'd love to be a labor/delivery nurse!

Hope ya'll got to know me better! Now I tag: Lindsey, Toni-Marie, Heather, and Kim D.

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