Monday, November 10, 2008


Saturday, I headed to the downtown rescue mission with some other ladies from my tuesday morning bible study. I really didn't know what to expect, except that we were going to minister to the young children at the women and children's shelter. I was taken back by the fact that these children and women barely have anything. The shelter provides food and a place to sleep. These kids were so desperate for our love and affection. It broke my heart. One sweet little 5-year old girl kept asking for her daddy and told me she just wanted a home for Christmas. It was definitely a bitter-sweet experience for me. I left yearning for more ways to help these sweet kids, and also so thankful for everything I have! It kinda puts things into perspective when you see homeless people like this. I can't imagine not knowing where my next meal was going to come from and if my kids would have somewhere to sleep. I really enjoyed spending time with these kids and loving on them. I'm excited to go back next month!!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a great thing you did for those people. That is something you will remember forever...I agree that I am so thankful for where my life is and can't imagine what some of these kids "live" in everyday!