Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

C had his preschool Christmas party last Monday. B couldn't go so I invited my mom to go with since I had already paid for B. Yes, we had to pay to eat. I guess things are much different then when I went to preschool. He was so excited about the cookies and cupcakes. He didn't want the pizza, he went straight for a big cookie with pink icing. Oh well, dessert first once in a while won't kill him! Plus with Mimi there, he gets away with anything!
This is C's class minus him. They all sang "Our God, Our Father" and "Jingle Bells." He didn't want anything to do with getting up in the front and singing. I was so disappointed. He has been coming home singing Jingle Bells for the past month. I guess it was too chaotic for the poor guy and he just wanted to eat....haha! It was so funny cause as soon as we got in the car to go home, he kept yelling/singing Jingle Bells at the top of his lungs! There's always next year.

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