Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weekend Getaway!

This past weekend, Brandon and I headed to Atlanta to go to my friend Katie's wedding! On Friday, I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to see, I woke up Fri. am throwing up and feeling horrible. I immediately went to the dr., where she proceeded to tell me I was pregnant, and come to find out I had an icky stomach bug! I laughed at her when she told me I was pregnant....I knew better:) She gave me some phenergran and I slept the rest of the day. By Friday night, I was much better. So early Sat. morning we dropped C off at my parents and headed to the big ATL! We had so much fun at the wedding. It was wonderful seeing so many old friends and people I hadn't seen in ages. Katie was a beautiful bride and I'm so happy for her and Brian!

My sweet momma booked us a wonderful hotel room for the night, and it was awesome! Brandon and I decided it was almost like we were on our honeymoon again. The hotel offered free breakfast till 10 a.m. but we decided it was way worth it to sleep in and just pay for breakfast later or in our case, lunch! We slept so was almost lunch time!!!! I don't think I've slept in that late in almost 2 1/2 yrs. Sunday, we went to Discover Mills b/c B wanted to go to Bass Pro shop. We did some Christmas shopping and I got to see Cass again, which was wonderful. And I got to meet her sweet niece and nephew.

We headed to IKEA to do more shopping and I'm very impressed we didn't get lost! I love IKEA...they have everything and the prices are great. While we were standing in line to check-out, I started feeling weird. I was getting a migraine, for all of you who have had those, I was getting the weird aura. I wasn't able to take any medicine for like an hour, so the car ride home was miserable. We went the short-cut way, which is over the mountains....bad idea when you have a horrible migraine. B was so sweet and kept pulling over so I could get sick. Other than that, we had a wonderful time! It was so nice getting away for a night with just my hubby:)

Here's some pics from the wedding:
Sorry for the blurry pic, not sure why it turned out this way!
Me and Cass at the mall!

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