Tuesday, October 19, 2010

8 weeks

As I write this blog, I'm actually 8 and a half weeks preggo! We went to the dr yesterday for my 2nd appointment!  We had another ultrasound and got to hear my "love"s heartbeat....175 beats and beating strong!  He/she was also moving around like crazy!  The baby is about the size of a kidney bean right now and most of the vital organs have formed.  So amazing to me!  My due date got changed from the 28th of May to the 26th...go figure.  I'm pretty sure I won't go to the 26th, my dr is very kind to induce around the 39th week!  My belly has also popped out this week.  I didn't show with Caden until I was almost 5 months, but i'm showing at 2 months already with this little love!

Preggo stuff:
~haven't gained any weight yet!!!
~still wearing pre-pregnancy tops and wearing my normal jeans with my belly band
~morning sickness or all day sickness has gotten the best of me....thank goodness for Zofran or I wouldn't keep anything down
~all i want to eat is cherry or coke icee's and clausen pickles
~have no energy
~had some dizzy spells, but I've read thats completely normal
~Caden still thinks the baby should be here NOW!!

Brandon and I are so goofy, we started doing all these gender quizzes online to see what we are having.  Everything we've done and quizzed ourself on is pointing to a girl!  I did the chinese calendar and it also said girl....so we will see if any of those are correct!  I will post pictures later today or tomorrow of baby b and some belly pics!!!


Sara said...

Don't fall victim to all those online quizzes, Ash. Especially the Chinese gender chart. I got the exact same thing when I was pregnant...everything said I was having a girl. Clearly not the case!!

Cassidy Donaldson said...

Yum, icee's and pickles sound good to me too, and I'm not pregnant. Guess I just like to eat:) I miss you bunches. We need to chat soon!