Saturday, May 7, 2011


I'm not even sure thats a word (surreality), but oh well!  That is how I felt the past week and a half!  Life is slowly getting back to normal.  Caden went back to school Thursday and Brandon will go back Monday...he's been off for 7 days now!  There is still no power down the street from us where it got hit the hardest.  We found out that they upgraded the tornado to an EF-5...still makes me cringe when I think about that day.  The national guard has left as well as homeland security.  We still have a curfew and there is still so much cleaning up to do.  The outpouring of love and support from everyone has been amazing!  I've been volunteering passing out food and water and Brandon's been busy with the chainsaw.  Even Caden has been able to help!  The other night he wanted to empty his piggy bank and give his money to some kids in his class that lost all their toys!  Talk about making this mommy's heart smile!  We've donated clothes, prom dresses, toys, cleaning supplies, canned goods, etc.  It has been good for Caden to see us doing these things!

 On a happier note....I have finally hit the 37 week mark!  Bennett is full-term!  We are now just patiently waiting for his arrival.  I went to the dr. last tuesday and I wasn't dilated, but I was about 50% effaced!  I go again this tuesday, so we'll see if I've made any progress!  Please keep us in your prayers for a safe and healthy delivery!  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

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